Every teacher deserves a coach! Watch our Founder/CEO Paul D. Nixon as he talks about the unique Virtual VP coaching program.
Elite Teacher Training Program
Research shows that teachers are the most important school-related factor connected to student academic success. Yet many teachers suffer under heavy workloads with not enough resources. One of the greatest perceived needs from teachers is the additional training they need to perform the tasks that are required of them. Many teachers feel that, if they only had more targeted, specific training, they would be in a better position to serve their students effectively. Our Elite Teacher Training Program is a tiered program designed to give teachers the specific, relevant support they need in real-time to help them increase their effectiveness.
Choose the right package for your school, or contact us today for a customized service package uniquely designed to meet your school’s needs!
Teacher Coaching
Ideal solution for teachers who are new, struggling, overwhelmed, or frustrated!
Built on the “Motivational Interviewing” Method
4-Step Process Adapted for Teachers by Teachers
Proven Effectiveness, Even with Reluctant Clients
1 Year of Weekly Coaching Sessions
Schedule Around Teacher’s Convenience
Virtual VP Academy
1 Year of Teacher Training Video Courses
1 Video Per Month
Topics Include (but are not limited to):
Best Practice Strategies for Classroom Management
Effective Feedback Strategies
Teaching to Specific Learning Styles
Critical Thinking in the Classroom
And More!
Group Coaching
Virtual VP Academy Courses
1 Year of Small Group Coaching
5 - 7 Teachers per Cohort
Pre-Analysis Tool
Monthly Online Coaching
Monthly MasterMind Session
Recordings of Each Coaching and MasterMind Session
Mid and Post Analysis Tools
Email and Phone Support
1 on 1 Coaching
Virtual VP Academy Courses
1 Year of 1 on 1 Coaching
3 - 4 In-Person Classroom Observations
Personalized Resource Toolkit
Weekly Online Coaching
Recordings of Each Coaching Session
Best Practice Strategies for Specific Teacher Tasks
“Paul was super helpful! He did a great job, and we hope he will be there to help us through our recertification process in 3 years.”